Friday, June 29, 2007

not what i expected

God is unbelievably amazing, and I have never before been so in love with Him as I am now.

For those of you who read this, please be praying for me as I continue to raise support to be a missionary in Austin this coming year, beginning in August. Pray big and pray hard, that God will bring in this money quickly, and that the supporters will give generously and monthly.

A dear friend of mine from school, a Hindu from birth from India, shared with me his story of salvation tonight. I felt very blessed to get to hear how God has been working in his life. The Lord amazes me, with His persistance of the human race. Sometimes, I look around and I totally understand why He would flood this place. It amazes me how His grace is so overwhelming. He never holds it back, He is so patient with us. Hearing this guys story of how God continually, for years, pursued Him. His mother and sister (living in India still) have become christians. They are all praying for their agnostic father. I pray as well that God will move and work in his life in unexpected and powerful ways.

I am so thankful to be where I am in life right now. Granted, raising support to be a full time missionary is a lot harder than I expected (but God is teaching me SO much! which I am thankful for!). I am so excited to be moving out to Texas, following the Lord's plan for my life. I have no idea where exactly He's taking me. I know for a year I'll be in Austin, but after that . . . I have no idea, but what I do know . . . is that He knows, and that is all I need.

I am so blessed.

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