Tuesday, March 27, 2007


well, i'm totally 100% accepted and going to Texas. now it's the long amazing journey of seeing God provide the means and support to get me there and provide for me while i'm there. i have no doubt that it'll happen and my life will forever be changed. i'm super excited!!!

on another note. i'm getting really irritated with some people. not really anyone in particular . . . but it's just a certain "type" of people. you know . . . it's the ones who proclaim to love Jesus . . . to 'seek Him with all their hearts' and then you're looking through their pics on facebook and WOOPS . . . there's a pic of them flippin the camera off, a pic of them making out with their boyfriend/girlfriend, a pic of them dressed all seductive, they're drinking a beer, wearing a bathing suit that let's everything show. . . and you're like . . . HUH!???!? or rather "what the freakin heck?!" i just don't get it. if you love Him, then live like you love Him! if you don't want to live like you love Him, then don't say you do . . . easy as that!

i'm not saying living for Him is easy . . . but for cyring out loud, STOP LYEING TO YOURSELF AND THE WORLD!!! just be real to who you are, if you're a person who's completely consumed with self and wants to have sex and party . . . then be THAT . . . don't say you love Jesus! ugh.

what has happened to integrity!? people care more about being socially accepted and loved than sacrificing for their savior. i understand that i need to look at them with grace as the Father does . . . but at the same time i'm tired of seeing people being passive about Christ, who claim to love and know Him! "ye shall know them by their fruit" . . . and frankly, most of the fruit i'm seeing . . . is ROTTEN!

i respect an athiest more than a lukewarm, washed out, hypocritical christian . . . atleast they live what they believe.

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