Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the end of the semester

this past weekend was amazing. we walked through how to raise support (build a ministry partner base). let's just say i have A LOT to do . . . not to mention finish up the semester . . . and try to get decent grades.

right now i'm trying to recreate the notebook we're supposed to be using to communicate the vision of the next year to our potential ministry partners. the bad news is . . . the notebook that they created for all the interns, doesn't really make sense for what my team will be doing. so, that's why i'm having to recreate it. which, isn't a bad thing, i'll feel more comfortable if i've made it, but . . . i have no idea where all this time is going to come from. no worries though. that's one thing i've learned . . . no matter how much gets piled on your plate, or how impossible it seems, don't worry about it! somehow . . . time passes and things get done. everything always turns out okay in the end.

. . . the end . . . that seems so far from now.

please pray for the following things. these things are greatly needed =)

1. my computer: if my computer doesn't get up and running i have no idea how i'm going to keep track of all my supporters (there will be so many, and so many appointments to keep up with, i really need a database) so pray that my computer gets back to life some time soon, or that i can borrow one for the summer/this support raising season

2. supporters would be raised up through the people i know and through the people they know (referrals). pray that their hearts are generously prepared to give (of their time, prayers, and resources)

3. a car. texas is a long way off, and i know my car will not make it. i need a car that will be able to make it out there and back to SC possibly several times a year.

4. God to receive the glory from this entire ministry raising season. pray that all the meetings go well, and i am able to share the gospel when He leads.

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