Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The fact that God has written a plan for me still amazes me. More and more every day, the more and more I try to get closer to Him, the more He reveals to me about what He's doing and is going to do with my life. How blessed I am to know the Creator!!

I just finished Wicca's Charm by Catherine Edwards Sanders (a christian journalist). It was an amazing book discussing Wicca and the growing interest and practice of that spirituality along with paganism and goddess worship. Let's just say it was very enlightening. I used to think that learning about such things was wrong, that it was bad to fill the mind with things that are non-christian. Then I heard a speaker over winter break talk about Daniel and what God called him to. Daniel learned and studied pagan culture. He was even known by the King Nebuchadnezzar for his outstanding knowledge as the best in his class.

a quote from the book that I found incredibly relevant and applicable:

"My friend Lilian, with the Damaris Project, likes to say that Christians would not send pastors or missionaries to China without instructing them in the language, customs, and culture of the Chinese people. Should Christians living in American culture be any different? Shouldn't we learn how to relate to those around us whose language, customs, and culture differ from ours?"

WOW! I think there is such truth in those sentences. We, as believers, are called to authentic faith that reaches out to those that are different than us. We are to meet people where they are, now granted, in America this is very hard. Our culture is extremely diverse, growing ever more toward a postmodern view of the world: all is one, everything is interconnected, all religions are the same, we are our own gods. In a society like this we as followers of Christ are to be equiped to understand where they come from. This means we have to love them enough to listen, to study, to do research to figure out where they are coming from.

Personally, this seems like a huge task to undertake, but just like we equip missionaries to go overseas, with abundant research into the culture, the people's history, their various religions and the best way to introduce the person of Jesus to an individual growing up in such a culture, we need to be doing that in America. I'm so excited because that's exactly what i'm going to get to do this upcoming year in Austin, TX. My team will do thurough research into the current college culture in America and then pray and trust God to tell us how to best introduce Christ to them. Then, we'll document all of what we do online (www.fireseedanthology.wordpress.com) and the research and the results will go to help Campus Crusade for Christ over all be able to better communicate the saving truth of Jesus to the college student.

I feel so blessed to be a part of something like this. God is so amazing. This is something I've always wanted to do!!

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