Saturday, March 3, 2007

gallery show?

melinda carter called me last night. she's one of the staff, and basically the genious mind behind the Austin Stint. it was so good to hear from her and to hear what God is doing in her life. She made me want to be in Austin really bad. i told her that if i could leave tomorrow i would. and truly, i would =). i submitted my applicated completely yesterday. i'll know within a couple of weeks!! and then i have to start planing and figuring things out for sure about leaving.
A friend of mine just got married a couple weeks ago, and i never knew about it. granted, we did lose touch kind of . . . but still, how can i lose touch enough to not even know she was getting married! how crazy is that!? i'm so happy for her, but i totally missed everything!
my mom called the other night just to tell me that she loved me. i was shocked. not that i don't think she loves me, but it was really really sweet of her to just call and tell me so. i think she's really sad that i'm leaving, i'm sad too . . . but i'd be even more sad to stay cuz i'd know i wasn't obeying the Father.
i completely changed what i'm doing my painting on. it's semi due on wednesday, and i'm not even 1/4 done with it. but it's okay, we're all pretty sure Mr. K will give us an extension. OH, and i talked to Jo Carol about me having an art show before i head out. she said that would be fine. so i'm really excited! she said it could probably stay up a MONTH! i'm really excited cuz now my family will be able to see what i've done and all my friends will too. it's kind of scary too though because i've never had a show before . . . so i have no idea how to set things up, i guess i'll have to get everything framed . . . i don't know. i really want to do some charcoal/pastel work. i think i'll have time to do that over spring break, cuz goodness knows i don't have time to do anything outside of class right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.